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Benefits of PMS for Mothers

What was nature thinking???

What was nature thinking???


First, a quote from Roseanne Barr:

“Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself!”

Not all of us might want to embrace that “devil may care” aspect of PMS but we can also remember that we have more neural connections firing up at this time of the month than any other.

Women often experience this as feeling irritable, scratchy and snappy but what it really is, is processing occurring across the brain hemispheres…FAST.

We are like a detector dog on speed!!

That means, despite all of the bagging we hear about women and PMS, that we are usually right on the money about a problem!!!

However…biting someone’s head off may simply bury the problem deeper or cause them to ignore the benefits of our accurate detection. It is usually best not to RESPOND to the issue while super-vibed.

A good idea is to write down what is really “in your face” during the time that you are hyper alert and ABSOLUTELY CLEAR about what needs attention.

Next week it won’t seem so clear! If you don’t write it down you miss the benefit.

Then tell yourself, “I will decide what to do about this next week.”

That way you wait until you are in full flow (literally) to choose what you want to do about the issue your neural hyper-activity has identified.

Waiting to act allows you to be able to access the slower firing decisional matrixes which are more accessible once the laser detection focus is lowered.

It doesn’t mean that you DON’T act; it means that you act powerfully, and on your terms.

That way you get the benefit of your hyper-detection capacity but also take the pressure off yourself while you have an itchy trigger finger!

Dr. T

NB: If you like THIS pic you might like to check out http://www.pinterest.com/powerful4kids/hallowed-halloween/ for a few more freaky shots.

Photo: Depositphotos/nejron

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